Overall a decent action film, never great, but not bad either.Theatrical Trailer: Ghost Rider I suppose Sony figured promoting ‘Ghost Rider’ made sense, seeing as how it's another movie made from a comic book character, but the big difference is that ‘HELLBOY' is a study of how to adapt comics well, whereas ‘Ghost Rider’ is an embarrassment in every possible way. The film is average entertainment, and I was disappointed because I thought it was going to be phenomenal, unfortunately this is one of those films that I felt was overhyped a bit, and it lacked something to really make it great.

I just preferred the sequel and thought that this film was average and really I didn't see why the film has gotten so much praise. The visuals are terrific, and it's the films greatest strength. All the necessary ingredients are here, but something doesn't quite fit. There is something missing to this film to really make it a stunning action film. Luckily the sequel to this film was better, and the plot was much more elaborate.

However I don't think it's the film that everyone claims it to be, and del Toro, though an excellent director could have done better. For what it is, this is mindless entertainment and does deliver some entertaining moments. I'm just stating that the film could have been much better.

This film is disappointing, but it's also a pretty entertaining film. I thought the film was decent, entertaining and fun, but I felt that this film could have been much better than it turned out to be. I felt disappointed in this film, and the film had potential to really be a great superhero film, but it never really took off. Starring Ron Perlman (Whom I don't like, Hellboy does deliver some decent action, but is never anything spectacular. Decent Superhero/action film, Hellboy is a flawed, but nonetheless thrilling ride.